Experience a transformation in wound care.
Introducing Mirragen®, a borate-based bioactive glass fiber matrix that empowers the body to heal itself.

- Granulation: supports blood vessels and collagen for strong, resilient tissue.

Without the traditional risk of infection tissue-based products have.
- In an RCT, the Mirragen group experienced no adverse events related to infection of the index ulcer.
- The SOC group, a collagen alginate, had a 25% infection rate.1

All in an easy to use, versatile form factor.
- Adaptable to all wound shapes – no need for preparation or thawing.
- Stays in place even in deeper or tunneling wounds.
- Stored at room temperature for up to five years.

Intentionally engineered to support healing.
Mirragen is a flexible and formable skin substitute that easily adapts to any wound bed. Made from natural elements, the porous fiber and microsphere structure absorbs wound exudate to maintain moisture balance and serves as an ideal scaffold to support wound healing.
I have used Mirragen on one of my most difficult cases where other skin substitutes did not work. I am impressed by Mirragen, and I have not been impressed in a long time.
Dr. Laurentin Perez
Mirragen is effective and safe for a range of wounds.
Venous ulcers
Pressure ulcers
Diabetic ulcers
Partial and full-thickness wounds
Trauma wounds
(Abrasions, lacerations, first- and second-degree burns, skin tears)
Surgical wounds
(Donor sites/grafts, post- Mohs surgery, post-debridement, dehiscence)
Atypical wounds
(Pyoderma gangrenosum, tunneling, undermining)
*Partial and full-thickness wounds; Pressure ulcers; Venous ulcers; Diabetic ulcers; Surgical wounds (Donor sites/grafts, post-Mohs surgery, post-debridement, dehiscence); Trauma wounds (Abrasions, lacerations, first-and-second-degree burns, skin tears); Atypical wounds (Pyoderma gangrenosum, tunneling, undermining)
1. Armstrong DG, Orgill DP, Galiano RD, et al. A multi-centre, single-blind ed randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the effect of resorbable glass fibre matrix in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Int Wound J. 2021 ;1-11 .The group difference in percentage wound area reduction was statistically significant at 12 weeks. The group difference in infection rates was not statistically tested.