ETS Case Studies
Case studies of Mirragen® and MirraSurgTM showing the power of bioactive glass can have on treating the most challenging wounds.
I have seen Mirragen work, and work quickly on most cases, but most importantly, I have seen it work and progress wounds that nothing else has worked on, and in some cases the patients have had for years.
Carl Williams, Jr., MD,
Plastic Surgeon at Las Vegas Valley Health Clinics
Learn more about Mirragen Advanced Wound Matrix
Mirragen, a borate-based bioactive glass fiber matrix facilitates quality tissue formation without the traditional risk of infection tissue-based products have, all in an easy to use, versatile form factor.

I have used Mirragen on one of my most difficult cases where other skin substitutes did not work. I am impressed by Mirragen, and I have not been impressed in a long time.